How to participate in the meet and greet
1) Purchase an award ticket (checker ticket) at the merchandise sales counter
- Purchase at the sales counter: 1 ticket for individual talk and autograph (1,500 yen) / 1 ticket for individual photo only (1,000 yen).
2) Please line up in the waiting line for the photo session
- The standby line for taking photos is separate from the sales line.
Please line up at the end of the waiting line for the photo session with the member listed on the ticket.
- Please hand your ticket to the staff when your turn comes
- Up to 3 photos can be taken at one time (*The maximum number of photos may vary depending on the event.)
- If there will be a talk and autograph after the photo session, you will be able to interact with the audience until the end of the session.
3) Receive your cheki and exit the event
* About Live
- Rules for shouting, wearing masks, lifting, moshing, etc. will be in accordance with the event organizer's or live music club's rules.
Please check the rules in advance.
- Please be sure not to disturb other audience members during the live performance.
- No still or moving images (including recording) are allowed. (Depending on the event, it may be possible to take pictures.)
- If you are found to be filming, a staff member may ask you to delete the filming data.

* Precautions at the meet and greet
- Contact with the members is prohibited in principle.
- Posing for photos is allowed, but poses that are considered extreme or involve contact with the members are not allowed.
- Moving from one place to another is prohibited in principle.
- Interaction after the photo shoot will be limited to one minute per checker ticket.
We will inform you when the time is up, so please pick up your chekis as soon as possible.
- You can use up to 3 tickets at a time for the same member.
If you want to use more than 3 tickets or take a picture with another member, please line up again.
(The number of tickets may vary depending on the event.)
- Photographing and recording are prohibited.
- Interaction with the members without purchasing a ticket is prohibited.
- Asking the members for personal information, slandering, making obscene remarks, and behaving in an indecent manner are prohibited.
- If any of the above actions are found, the photographing and interaction may be suspended or you may be banned from the venue.

* About the gift
- Gift acceptance: Gift will be accepted at the live concert venue. No hand-delivery is allowed. Please hand them over to the staff at the meet and greet.
If the gift is for an individual member, please write the member's name on the gift. We do not accept gifts by mail.
- Items that cannot be accepted: Food, living creatures, expensive items, money certificates, and items containing personal information will not be accepted.

* About Fan Letters
- We accept only letters by mail. Please note that if anything other than the letter is found enclosed in the package, it will be discarded without checking the contents.
- Please send your letter to the following address.
2-1-1,Minami-Honmachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 541-0054
219,the DECK,Hommachi Southern Building
To Dennou Promotion idol_program, LLC
If the address is for a member, please include the member's name.

* About points
- Points will be given for purchases made at meet and greet and by mail order.
- Please ask the staff at the meet and greet if you do not have a point card.
- If you do not have a point card, please ask a staff member at the meet and greet.
- If you do not have a point card, please ask a staff member at the meet and greet to use your points.
Point benefits
5P...Official goods autograph or 1 shot on smartphone
10P...Voice memo for 10 seconds
20P...Video shot on smartphone for 15 seconds
25P...Original standby picture
25P...Signing of personal items
200P...1 hour of participation in a joint off-line meeting (limited event for point rewards)
-* For all point rewards, one member will be nominated.
-* The contents may be subject to change.